Futures Trading
Maximize upside and downside potential. Living on the edge but financially. Perpetual Futures contracts are my all time favorite financial instrument. I have lost and made quite a lot (relatively) of money off them. I will not bore you with the details about the futures contracts as there are way better resources for learning about them online. The gist of it is you are making a bet that a commodity let’s say Bitcoin will not drop below or go above a certain price for the entirety of the period that you hold the contract. If it does go below or above the price (depends on if you are shorting or going long) you lose all your money! ...
The Optimal Path - A short story
Sarah Chen, an analyst at the Global Prediction Department, faces a moral dilemma when she notices a disturbing pattern in the Algorithm’s predictions. In a world where mathematical optimization determines who lives and dies, some sacrifices are deemed necessary for the greater good.
My first encounter with quantified-self tracking was via wakatime in 2020, a website for tracking coding stats(time, language, projects…). I was mostly drawn to the idea of a coding leaderboard, ranking programmers on hours programmed. I now had a definitive score of my “productivity”. The data collected told an interesting story, insights into my habits that were not apparent until analyzed. For one my most productive weekday was more often than not Wednesday. I instinctively thought it was linked my schedule somehow. I had more free time on Wednesday? Turns out this a trend experienced by more developers than they realize (according to Reddit and digging around online). ...